Waltzing Mathilda

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

"Make sure there's a Dixie moon..."

I leave for New Orleans really frakkin' early tomorrow morning. And today I read the coolest thing from one of our hotels:

"New Orleans: Pronounced noo aw-lins or new or-lins or new or-lee-yuns, but not new orleens. Unless referring to the street or the parish of or-leens. Or when you're singing. Confused yet?"

Isn't that the coolest thing? I didn't know that!

I'm sure I will be ecstatic when I get there-finally, a chance to personally add to my voodoo doll collection-but right now I feel guilty. I already made Michael his favorite dish-Tuscan Turkey Meatballs-but he is feeling poorly and Maddy apparently asked him tonight "mommy home soon?" Guilt, thy name is Motherhood.

But I do love the fact that the convention I will be assisting will help the city economically in a small way.

I'll be sure to bring my camera. In case this is the last time I get a chance to see it...

In the meantime, check out this photography about New Orleans.

"New Orleans, I'll...be....there...."


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