Waltzing Mathilda

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Haikus 4 U

"Why I Want to Go Home"
(A haiku translated from the original ramblings of a visiting grandmother)

The coffee-too strong
They feed me squash casserole
The tea is too weak.

No rug on the floor
The long-nosed dog comes for me
Only one towel rack

The lamps are dimmed much
My bed is too soft, too high
As is the sofa

I wander the halls
I ask my daughter where she
has put my bedroom

The TV remote is
baffling and strange to me
Secretive device

Inside is too cold
Outside, ninety-nine degrees
I want to go home

P S Guess I'm outta the will


  • At 12:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    G says you were never in will, you already got your inheritence... its in your mouth....

  • At 8:56 AM, Blogger Kelly said…

    Hee hee hee! Brilliant! I am SO telling!


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