Waltzing Mathilda

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Dear World,

I hate Christmas. More specifically, I hate Christmas shopping. I do not have enough money or enough good taste to get the people I love truly nice things. So I am left with buying commercial and meaningless crap that will probably get thrown in a garage sale pile next year any way.

I don't want to buy you DVDs, books, or gadgets because, frankly, you can buy them yourself. I want to get you something that only I can get you. Or something that has meaning mainly because it came from me. I want to give gifts that you will find useful and when you look at them or use them, you will remember that I value you and whatever relationship I have with you.

How likely is it that I can get this type of gift from Target? From Amazon? From &%@!# Walmart?

So I started Christmas shopping back in September and I am not even 50% done. Most likely, I will panic and start getting people generic crap in about two weeks.

Merry Christmas. Hope you like your "gifts."


  • At 7:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We're doing charity donations this year, as gifts for family and friends, and as suggested gifts for us. Our personal pick this year is Caring for Creatures, a no-kill animal shelter in Fluvanna.

  • At 9:00 PM, Blogger waltzingmathilda said…

    I could totally get behind that sort of thing.

  • At 1:37 PM, Blogger Kevin Smith said…

    Boy, aren't you just a ray of holiday sunshine?

    I've dated goth chicks less depressing than that post.

    Make a game of it. Everytime you end up buying what you consider a generic gift, have a shot. By the time you get to the end of your shopping list you'll too blitzed to care.

  • At 2:13 PM, Blogger waltzingmathilda said…

    Thanks for the idea, Kev-I started shopping an hour ago and I'm drunk already!

  • At 2:47 PM, Blogger Kevin Smith said…

    I'm here to help. :D

  • At 1:56 PM, Blogger ekrobi said…

    You might be interested in reading the holiday articles at the Center for a New American Dream (http://www.newdream.org). They have some interesting things about creating traditions/rituals and making Christmas more about the experiences than the presents. Here's a link to one article, but there are others:


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