Waltzing Mathilda

Monday, February 25, 2008

Spore Report

In my interest in getting started with my garden I, as I believe I mentioned before, spent a whopping $90 on seeds and seeds supplies last week.

One of those supplies consisted of two little seed peat pots designed for kids. I purchased a sunflower and a pumpkin. I'm trying to indoctrinate Tilda into being a gardener.

She's very excited by them. We look at them every day, water them and they sit on her windowsill. At night, we say "'Night, 'night pumpkin. 'Night, 'night flower."

But here's the thing-the seeds were purchased on Saturday, February 17th and planted on February 19th. As you can see, they are huge! They sprouted within 48 hours. I have never seen anything like it before. They are mutants!

Seriously, its like they were fed some sort of growth hormone. They are nearing 2 inches in height already!

Thus, my next endeavor will be to get Tilda to call the pumpkin "Roger" and the sunflower "Clemens."

Oh, I'm bad.
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