Waltzing Mathilda

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Take Notes, People

I would like two of these for birthday/Christmas/or "sorrythatyouhadamomentofstupidityandaccompaniedthreesmallchildren

And yes, I am still suit-less.

And yes, I try to buy a suit at least once a year and it always ends up with the same outcome.

But maybe this time I will end up with a set of totally awesome martini glasses.


  • At 8:41 PM, Blogger Kelly said…

    Hell to the no, beeyotch.

  • At 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Since our birthdays are in the same month, maybe we could send each other a 2-pack of these glasses, because I really want them now myself...

    I haven't bought a suit in five years. Imagine how great it is for me while I'm interviewing for jobs. I hate suits!

  • At 2:24 PM, Blogger Kevin Smith said…

    Do they come with goldfish like that set of Huggybear ala I'm Gonna Get You Sucka - http://www.phatpimpclothing.com/hi/phatpimp/images/expimpshoesblack.gif

  • At 7:10 PM, Blogger waltzingmathilda said…

    Sure, Renee-but you are gonna have to send me a reminder email.

    And Kevin-those are the coolest FRAKKIN' shoes I've ever seen-imagine-the ability to walk around forever with your pet fish!


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